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APLN Background

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

APLN Background


Agile-Carolinas is associated with the Agile Project Leadership Network (see APLN.org). The APLN is focused on helping businesses (and other organizations) deliver greater business value by making projects more effective.


Specifically, the ALPN wants to help people become great project leaders by focusing on the following:


Value Customers Teams
Individuals ContextUncertainty


These ideas are described further in the Declaration of Interdependence, which was written by the founding members of APLN and expresses the values that the group holds with respect to leading projects in today's chaotic world.


The national APLN was founded by a group of people who are active in writing about, practicing, and evangelizing the movement towards fast, flexible, customer value driven approaches to leading projects of many types.


Although ALPN is separate from the Agile Alliance, our intention is to work closely with that group within the software community, but also work with people and companies outside of software and IT to help them become better Project Leaders.

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