
Experience Report On Applied Agile

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago


From the Field:Applied Agile Training Report


3Back LLC,  in conjunction with Critical Point Group (CPG) ran their first ever "Applied Agile" training in Charlotte on Oct 1-3. "It was simply head and shoulders above anything that we have done before. The power and passion that came out of the course was unrivaled in our experience," said trainer Doug Shimp.  The course offered total immersion into techniques for building and sustaining well-formed Agile teams.  The immersion was achieved by combining classroom theory, simulation, and a unique opportunity to observe Agile methods practiced by the hyper-productive technical product development team at CPG. The course was co-taught by Guy Beaver, Director of Software Engineering at Critical Point Group and Douglas Shimp, Partner and Senior Consultant with 3Back.



"We ate our own dog food as we taught the material," said co-trainer GuyBeaver.  "We planned an agenda with high-level topics, and unfolded details on just enough material to get started, and courageously allowed the class to determine priorities.  Of course this was all tracked with note cards visibly displayed on the wall. This let the class participants select the focus, while not losing the breadth of the material, which was kept visible. This is just how CPG works with its clients to implement our highly customizable platform.  We ran the class similar to our adaptive approach with our clients, providing the ability to change direction based on the dynamics of a complex choreographed marketing strategy."



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