

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

Scrum Resources via video


This page is more for an introduction to Scrum.


The first place I would advise going is to the Cochango site that has several basic pages on Scrum, with videos by Ken Schwaber. Below is a quick guide to that site:


Intro: This page gives you a sentence on who Ken Schwaber is and another sentence that describes Scrum. Other stuff is advertising, as best I can tell. No video on this page


Scrum Basics: This page shows a nice simple diagram of how Scrum works, which you should look at while you listen to Ken talk about the History of Agile and what Scrum is. Click on the video link at the bottom of this page: "Watch Ken Schwaber...").


Preparation/Intro: This page discusses preparing to implement Scrum. The main message is, you can start a project working using Scrum in one or two days. Click on the video link at the bottom of the page: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance..."


Preparation/Bus Case & Funding: This page discusses preparation, specifically the business case and funding. Click on the video link at the bottom of the page: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance of selling Scrum to your manager."


Preparation/Vision: This page discusses preparation, specifically the vision of the product. (No video.)


Preparation/Initial Product Backlog: This page discusses preparation, specifically the initial product backlog. It has several sub-pages. (No video.)


Preparation/Initial Release Plan: This page describes the initial release plan. No video.


Preparation/Stakeholder By In: This page describes getting stakeholder buy-in (stakeholder being a fairly broad, inclusive term). See the link for the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on educating Senior Executives about Scrum."


Preparation/Assemble Team: This page describes assembling the team. See the two links for videos: "Watch Ken Schwaber's discuss team formation problems." "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on dealing with part time resources."


Preparation/Logistics: This page describes assembling the team. Click on the video link: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance about Sprint Zero."


Roles: This page discusses the roles in Scrum, the roles that various people play. One of the key ideas is the distinction between chickens (people involved) and pigs (people in the team committed to making the product happen). Click on the video link at the bottom of the page: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance about the roles within Scrum." There are additional sub-pages, without videos.


Process/Intro: This pages discusses the process, how Scrum works. Click on the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's introduction to the Scrum process."


Process/Daily Scrum: This pages discusses how the Daily Scrum works. Click on the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on the Daily Scrum." There is also a sub-page without a video.


Process/The Sprint: This pages discusses how the The Sprint works. Click on the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on the Sprint." There are several sub-pages without any video.


Process/Sprint Planning Meeting: This pages discusses how the Sprint Planning Meeting works. Click on the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on the Sprint Planning Meeting."


Process/Sprint Review: This pages discusses how the Sprint Review (meeting) works. Click on the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on the Sprint Review Meeting."


Process/Sprint Retrospective: This pages discusses how the Sprint Retrospective (meeting) works. Click on the video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance on the Sprint Retrospective Meeting." There is one sub-page, without a video.





Sprint Backlog: This page describes the Sprint Backlog. And there are links to two videos: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance for The Sprint Backlog." "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance for updating The Sprint Backlog." here are also sub-pages, with no videos.





Preparation/Product Backlog2: On this page, there is more discussion of the Product Backlog. And at the bottom a link to a video: "Watch Ken Schwaber's guidance for The Product Backlog." There are also sub-pages, without videos.

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